In 2021, Company announced the discovery of Buckreef West, which lies in close proximity to the Buckreef Main Zone, defining a near vertical shear zone, over a strike length of 400 meters (“m”), with interpreted gold mineralization shallowly plunging to the northeast. The mineralized zone remains open to the south and at depth. Highlights include:
- Shallow depth: All reported intercepts are at shallow depth on a well-defined structure which is interpreted as a splay off the Buckreef Main Zone
- Open at depth and along strike: Over 400m of strike length has been drilled to date and the deposit remains open at depth and along strike in both directions
- Select intercepts:
- BWDD017 intersected 4.57m @ 6.4 g/t Au from 44.9m
- BWDD015, on the same line as Hole BWDD017, had two intersections: 2.18m @ 1.24 g/t Au from 86.9m and (ii) 2.49m @1.3 g/t Au from 105.1m
- Hole BWDD012 intersected 5.57m @ 4.95 g/t Au from 98.4m and 4.0m @ 2.19 g/t Au from 92.0m
- BWDD013, on the same line as Hole BWDD012 intersected 1.5m @ 2.2 g/t Au from 59.5m
- BWDD0018 intersected 7.0m @ 2.03 g/t Au from 44.0m and 3.85m @ 2.86 g/t from 56.0m
- BWDD0031 intersected 2.5m @ 7.29 g/t Au from 46.1m