2023 Results
In May of 2023, TRX announced results from an ongoing property wide drilling program, which includes work being done at the Anfield and Eastern Porphyry Gold Zones.
The highly encouraging results to date demonstrate the potential for the Anfield and Eastern Porphyry Zones to add to Mineral Resources and possibly to become a new mining area on the Buckreef Gold project.
The project’s high-priority Anfield and Eastern Porphyry zones are at the northern end of a 3-kilometer-long zone of identified gold mineralization that is subparallel to the Buckreef Main Zone (Figure 1).

The intercepts confirm multiple zones of strong mineralisation towards the south-west of the known Eastern Porphyry deposit and the first diamond drill hole intersections on the Anfield Zone. Both mineralized zones are in close proximity to the Buckreef Main Zone and present an opportunity (assuming exploration success) to host mineral resources outside of the Buckreef Main Zone. Both zones exhibit gold mineralization that is hosted in sheared mafic volcanic and porphyry lithologies. Many characteristics of the high-grade mineralization observed in the Main Zone are present in the Eastern Porphyry and Anfield zones.
The Eastern Porphyry contains a ‘historic’ 2014 mineral resource of: Measured category 0.09 mt grading at 1.20 g/t and Indicated category of 1.02 mt grading at 1.17 g/t for a combined M&I in-situ gold content of 41,705 ounces. In addition, there were Inferred mineral resources of 1.24 mt grading at 1.39 g/t containing an estimated 55,380 ounces of gold (please refer to Update National Instrument 43-101 Independent Technical Report on the Buckreef Project in Tanzania for Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corporation, dated February 24, 2014, found on www.sedar.com).
The latest drill results confirm zones of high-grade mineralization close to surface. Initial results from the Anfield Zone are very promising and highlighted by Hole AFDD001 which intersected 2.94 m grading at 13.74 g/t, from 43.00 m. This hole was specifically laid out to intersect the area where three high grade grab samples (assaying 37.52 g/t, 28.55 g/t and 14.42 g/t respectively) had been retrieved from artisanal mine shafts (as reported on June 21, 2021).
Additional highlights include:
- Hole BMDD298 (Eastern Porphyry) intersected 14.0 m grading at 3.48 g/t, including 3.0 m grading at 10.96 g/t from 27.0 m, and 25.23 m grading @ 1.62 g/t Au from 47 m.
- Hole BMDD300 (Eastern Porphyry) intersected 3.61 m grading at 6.80 g/t, from 33.65 m.
- Hole BMDD297 (Eastern Porphyry) intersected 14.70 m grading at 1.22 g/t, from 98.80 m.
- Hole AFDD001 (Anfield) intersected 2.94 m grading at 13.74 g/t, from 43.00 m.
- Hole AFDD004 (Anfield) intersected 6.09 m grading at 1.41 g/t, from 32.45 m.
Full results are tabulated below and shown in Figure 2.

The results summarized in this release are from the Eastern Porphyry and Anfield zones, located approximately 250 m to 700 metres east of the Buckreef Main Zone. Intersections reported here are a down-hole length and may not represent true width, however the true width is estimated to be between 50% – 60% of the length.
Initial work done at the Anfield Zone in 2021 returned exceptional grab samples, which had then been assayed, highlights of which included:
- 37.52 g/t
- 28.55 g/t
- 14.42 g/t